Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week 7 - Digital Elevation Models in GIS

                The area I selected to run my digital elevation model (DEM) analysis was located in an area near Bakersfield, CA. The rectangle frame I used has these coordinates: 35.0403 degrees for the top edge, 34.7350 degrees for the bottom edge, -119.0117 for the left edge, and -118.5572 for the right edge. The map is created referencing the North American Datum of 1984.
                From analyzing the map, I realized there are a lot of steep slope changes occurring in many different directions. Also, being able to create a digital image of the landscape, the area selected does not have that much variance in elevation. To create the 3-Dimensional model, I had to make the Z-unit size very small in order to see a good presentation of the elevation.
                I did find it very useful to see all the different gradients that are used to display and analyze land elevation. Here are a few maps I map of the area I selected:

 Map 1: Shaded Relief Model w/ Hillshade Model
Elevation Model - Low: 162.6  High: 2443.68
 Map 2: Slope Map
Based on a 0-90 Degree angle Spectrum

 Map 3: Aspect Map
Shows the direction of the slopes: North - Red, South - Light Blue, West - Blue, East - Yellow

 Map 4: 3D Model of of the Area

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