Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 4 - GIS -Introduction to ArcMap = Interesting!

                After reading through the ArcMap tutorial multiple times, and working with the detailed examples, I realized there is quite a bit to this system. The tutorial guides users along pretty well to understand the basic functions of ArcMap and how to edit a map. With the variety of functions and tools available, it can be easy to get lost within the inter-workings of the program.  Here is an example of what I was able to accomplish from using the tutorial:

                I was able to create a series of maps that were all centralized around an area that includes an airport with a proposed expansion project. The maps focus more on the interaction with the estimated area where noise will travel from the airport, and the land and its uses around it. By seeing each aspect with a different layer, GIS allows users to have the feature of enabling or disabling a layer to avoid congestion on the viewed map.
                Geographic Information Systems like ArcGIS facilitates in the creation of interactive maps that allow users versatility and variety. The system gives organization to mapping and allows users to have precision and accuracy on maps. By digitizing maps and develop  the use of map layers, people can create almost any type of map they desire and represent pertinent data in a variety of displays.  
                There are some difficulties with handling GIS. With the amount of functions the program provides, it might be difficult to understand all the tools and keep track of what functions do what, of course the help section does give a detailed description of each function. I realized that GIS is only as useful as the data that it works with. Without real data that is detailed and organized in a certain fashion, GIS will be of no help to a user trying to create a map. Format really is key when it involves any computer software that only understands certain inputting formats.
All in all, I believe everyone who is exposed to GIS, would find it a great asset which can benefit them in numerous ways whether it's research, marketing, or surveying!

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