Friday, June 10, 2011

Census Populations - Blacks, Asians and Other.

This week we learned about how to obtain data from the US Census Bureau and how to convert and access it using ArcGIS.

From this map, it is obvious that counties with the highest percentage of black population are located in the southeastern area of the United States. As the colors darken on the map, it represents the percentage of black individuals to the total population increases. My assumption for why this is so, is due to the events that have taken place in history. African slaves had been brought into the South to help work the fields of the many plantations. After slavery was abolished, most black people stayed in the area, thus reproducing and populating the area. As time goes by, it can be seen how the bordering areas are gradually increasing in black population, with the south as the central point.

                With the map of the Asian population in the US, it can be seen that the presence of Asians in America is not as prominent as other races such as white and black. There are higher concentrations on the west and east coast, west showing the highest signs. The reasoning behind seeing more Asians on the west coast is because of the proximity of Asia. Since it is right across the ocean, it would be most likely that Asians settle to the side of the United States that is closest to their homeland.

                Since the Census only had taken counts of Whites, Blacks, and Asians, the category under “Other” can include a wide range of individuals including, but not limited to: Europeans, Central Americans, and South Americans. Since the densest populations are found near the southern borders of Texas, Arizona, and California, it can be assumed that Mexicans have been placed under the “Other” category. Seeing, that there are greater populations of other races on the western side of the US, this must be due to the overpopulation of the East and the fact that the US initially began from the east coast. 

                These Census models are good indications of where populations of race stand in the United States and the locations of certain races are more predominant than others. By tracking the data and using spatial analysis, geographers can see the growth of each population as the next census is taken. This would definitely be used as a tool to help analyze certain communities within the counties of the US.It might be wise to breakup and differentiate more within races and ethnicity just so there can be a more holistic view of the United States in terms of its population and what it consists of.

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